Tuesday 13 December 2005

All In Line

Presumptuously, some years ago I started a sketch book I called "Why Steinberg?". In it I tried to draw like as if I was Saul Steinberg (Yes...I know, dont laugh too hard!...Borges writes about Pierre Menard, a frenchman of the Twentieth Century who tries to write Don Quijote as if he was Cervantes!) My rules were to look at a Steinberg's book, close it and try to draw like Steinberg without copying it directly...Just trying to "think" like him...It was a failure but it was great fun. Highly recommended to test your mind and hand.


  1. I think you had more success with this than I did with my "Think like Rembrandt" and "Think like Picasso" projects...

  2. i think you did quite quite well,
    i´m so impressed!

  3. Oskar,

    You come closer to Saul Steinberg than any living artist. No joke.

    I am thinking like Warren Buffet.

    Crandall Addington

  4. And I think like Bernard Buffet Froid.
