Monday 10 December 2007

The Last of The I Castelli Animati Postings

In the Flintstones car we went to the Campidoglio, in Rome.

I still don't know why Silverman, Bozzetto and I were invited to see Mr. Veltroni, il Sindaco di Roma.

The palace was most impressive and had a photo of Sun Yi hanging in the entrance. Surely to demonstrate the solidarity of the people of Rome with the Burmese people

They showed us around and invited us to look at the view from the Sindaco's office window. Legend suggests that only the Pope, Bush Sr., Clinton, Putin and us were accorded such privilege

Mr. Veltroni, the Sindaco of Rome, couldn't make it to the date because he was urgently summoned by Mr. Silvio Berlusconi for one reason or another. A very nice gentleman, who in the future may become the next President of Italy, gave us a book and a medal (I still don't know why!) and got his photo taken with us.

The chamber was in session and David Silverman was invited to say hello to the representatives from the podium. A man with X-Ray eyes told David how to say it in Latin I believe.

The one at the bottom is the medal they gave me in the Campidoglio (What for?) and above there is a plaque given to me by The I Castelli Animati guys in the closing ceremony, and I still am also ignorant of the reason for why they gave it to me. My good looks perhaps. I am very grateful though. It looks great in my front room.
The terracota lady with the big feet is a souvenir we've bought in Argentina. It is an indian woman making "Empanadas" (meat pies)

In the Campidoglio they also gave us a wonderful book by Trilusa, beautifully illustrated by Galantara. A special edition, very well printed. A real treasure.

And finally.
A photo of Patricia and I taken in the set of "Gangs of New York" by an Italian guide who looked like General Colin Powell.


  1. When they say that one's been urgently summoned by Mr Berlusconi it means that they're at the toilet.

  2. You are ever so right, Massimiliano!
