Sunday 16 October 2005


In April this year, Ediciones de la Flor, from Buenos Aires, published Estanislao del Campo's "Fausto", illustrated by me. I am very happy with the results. Written in the 1860's, it is the funny story of a gaucho who thinks he saw the devil in person when in reality what he saw was Gounoud's opera while visiting the big city.


  1. Grillo, yuor work is wonderful. I love your characters and your colors. My step-daughter is already in London, and she took some books, newspapers and a Memory Game that I drew to a plotical campaign in Sao Paulo. Best wihes, my friend, yor blog is sensational!

  2. is it possible to get your book somewhere
    in europe or the states?

  3. thank you very much. just ordered it!

  4. Wonderful blog, what a find!

  5. Grillo's Fausto is something to marvel at. His devil is fantastic, wicked, and crazy as a mad dog but at the same time a bit thick --Grillo does not think the evil one is a bright one! This insight is one of many. Eduardo Stilman's prologue is learned and perceptive and the edition speaks volumes of Ediciones de la Flor's quality as publishers. The book is a must! I've got my copy at Amazon.

  6. Grande, Maestro! Las recibĂ­ por mail, las tengo guardadas en una carpeta y, sin embargo, al verlas me producen el mismo entusiasmo de la primera vez.

    Un abrazo,


  7. I got Fausto as a present last Christmas. It's a joy of the argentinian culture and thanks to you and your blog it's going to be read all around the world! Besitos, Inma

  8. Gracias, Inma...As they said in the trade: We Aim To Please!
