Monday 17 October 2005


I started to draw "Mr. Teapot" to send a page a week by e-mail to my friends now I am completing the story for publication.
("Mr. Teapot"-Copyright Oscar Grillo-2005)


  1. Soy uno de los afortunados que recibe tus dibujos y me preguntaba que había sido de Mr Teapot. Espero poder verlo aparecer pronto.
    Un abrazo y toda mi admiración.

  2. Hi Osar, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. This means very much to me! One thing I know is that there are very few people on this planet that have got your creative energy. I might occassionally cough up something nowhere near close to your explosive artistry, but I'm hoping that once I get away from those pesky cereal clients I might find the track that leads me near your unabandoned brilliance. (and the rest of us). And you wouldn't believe how much I mean this!
    Yours so truly,


  3. Oauh!
    This is AMAZING!
    Me encanta lo que haces.

  4. When can we see this in the stores?
    Is such a new and crazy style. I'm sure it's going to be a great success.

  5. This is great--i hope to see the completed work someday! thanks for sharing your work, it the source of great joy!

    best wishes,

    jurgen wolff
