Friday, 20 January 2006


I've painted this in 1973


  1. 1973 - the year before I was born.
    Fine work as always.
    Is the blonde fellow someone in particular?

  2. Grac(t)ias, Mr Editor!

    Elliot, I was THIRTY!!!

  3. Ahhh...No, Elliot..The blonde fellow was just type of cool dude that abunded in London in those times.
    They still around in Canada, I saw plenty of them two years ago.

  4. qué maravilla de colores, cómo dominas la acuarela, qué envidia :-P

    El rubio tiene una estética muy setentera, sí. Podría ser un ryan larkin o algo así

  5. Muy fina esta ilustración, convengo con delu, se debe agregar que tu destreza con cualquier medio es deslumbrante. tenés prefrencia por algún medio en particular?

  6. Thanks, Delu y Process:
    Mi preferencia tecnica es la de una buena tinta china bien negra y grasosa...Buen papel, de cualquier tipo y pinceles mochos y resecos para que la linea no sea virtuosa.
    Unos buenos discos de tango de los veinte y los cuarenta...O Jazz, de cualquier tipo..Desde The Original Dixieland Jazz Band a Albert Ayler..O sino musica clasica en la radio, con preferencias por Ravel, Debussy y Stravinsky.
    Para color prefiero pasteles o crayones. (o la computadora!)
    La tecnica me resulta menos importante que la musica que oigo. En este momento estoy escuchando a Thelonious Monk con John Coltrane.

  7. Translation of the above (Delu and Process asked me about technical preferences):

    My technical preference is for a good Chinese ink, very black and greasy. Good paper of any kind and some old, shabby brushes, blunt and dried up, to avoid a virtuous line. Some good tango records from the '20s and '40s in the background...Or any kind of jazz... From the Original Dixieland Jazz Band to Albert Ayler. Otherwise some classical music on the radio, preferably Ravel, Debussy and Stravinsky.
    For colouring I like pastels or crayons (or the computer).
    For me technique is less important than the music I listen to. At the moment I am listening to Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane.

  8. Gracias por elaborar, pienso igual, la música es de suma importancia (en este preciso momento tengo al Chivo González y a Ornette Coleman en "heavy rotation" uno me calma y otro me agita) y aunque tengo una marcada preferencia por el lápiz (de cualquier tipo) en fin de cuentas me da igual. Presiento que el medio o material es responsable y hasta cierto punto determina el "estilo".

    Tus obras cambian de acuerdo al medio utilizado ( y de seguro, por muchas razones más) pero a pesar de las diferencias en tratamiento y estilo, tu voz suena clara y tu firma es totalmente reconocible.

    Thanks for the detailed explanation, I feel the same when it comes to music, it is indeed of the utmost importance (at this very moment I have Rubén "Chivo" González and Ornette Coleman in heavy rotation, one calms me down me and the other one rattles me) and although I have a strong preference for the pencil (of any kind) in the end technique and tools matter little. I sense that the medium or materials are responsible for (and to a certain extent, determine) the "style".

    Your art morphs according to the particular medium you use at a particular time (as well, I'm sure for tons of other reasons) but regardless of the vast differences in treatment and style your voice rings true and your signature is totally recognizable.


  9. Claro que aqui omites (Omitimos?) mencionar un elemento ultra importante para la calidad de los trabajos...Un ojo avizor y mucho deseo!

    Of course here we have omited an important element for the quality of the artwork...An attentive eye and lots of desire.

    Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:50:18 PM

  10. "but regardless of the vast differences in treatment and style your voice rings true and your signature is totally recognizable."--> i agree with that, Junkie. It's really difficult to change techniques and materials keeping a common denominator or the same personal style. I wish i could achieve mine in a few years.

    What kind of work turns out when you listen to no music?

  11. There are characters, stories and songs in my head i want to talk about. Every friend of mine has an alter ego in my world i like to draw :-)

    It's like taking a photograph of a moment from an imaginary life. But what i've imagined is always much better than what i do with it!!!

    You seem to know a lot about jazz. Do you play any instrument or similar?
