Friday 23 February 2007


The Truth about Sancho Panza by Franz Kafka
Without making any boast of it Sancho Panza succeeded in the course of years, by feeding him a great number of romances of chivalry and adventure in the evening and night hours, in so diverting from himself his demon, whom he later called Don Quixote, that this demon thereupon set out, uninhibited, on the maddest exploits, which, however, for the lack of a preordained object, which should have been Sancho Panza himself, harmed nobody. A free man, Sancho Panza philosophically followed Don Quixote on his crusades, perhaps out of a sense of responsibility, and had of them a great and edifying entertainment to the end of his days.
(Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir)


  1. Sanchan, Ladro...cabal que señalgamos...

  2. Sancho Panza, que por lo demás nunca se jactó de ello, logró, con el correr de los años, mediante la composición de una cantidad de novelas de caballería y de bandoleros, en horas del atardecer y de la noche, apartar a tal punto de sí a su demonio, al que luego dio el nombre de don Quijote, que éste se lanzó irrefrenablemente a las más locas aventuras, las cuales empero, por falta de un objeto predeterminado, y que precisamente hubiese debido ser Sancho Panza, no hicieron daño a nadie. Sancho Panza, hombre libre, siguió impasible, quizás en razón de un cierto sentido de la responsabilidad, a don Quijote en sus andanzas, alcanzando con ello un grande y útil esparcimiento hasta su fin.

    Franz Kafka

  3. The 'lean and foolish knight', drawn to perfection along with SP and poor old, near-knackered Rosinante! Superb!

  4. Increíble el caballo de Quijote.

    Oscar, en un acto de imprudencia y vandalismo subí en mi blog la foto del perro, espero no haber metido la pata.

  5. I look at you comment, Brian, as you talk on the Radio about Ellenshaw!

  6. wonderful illo grillo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now get back to my blog and abuse me.

  7. You're beginning to draw like my pal Scarfe.

  8. Screw me!...I thought I was drawing like you!!!

  9. Magnifique! we have to meet up soon, a good catch up around drinks and good food?

  10. I think it was different picture before but this one is nice too.I Love your drawings Oscar!:o)

  11. Hell!
    I've been trying to draw like you!

  12. I tell you what...Let's try to draw like someone else!!!

  13. We should all draw like Matt but I don't have illustrator on my machine...

  14. You can always reach for rulers and compasses.

  15. Creo que este es uno d elos dibujos mas lindo y mas dificil d edibujar que eh visto en mi vida grillo. las líneas estan como tiradas casi al azar y forman un perfecto y estupefacto quijote con su caballo y su sancho panza atras... este dibujo lo miraré un rato para grabarlo bien en mi memoria.
