Monday, 8 October 2007

A La Perinola!- Good Grief!

Universal Tango

La Zotea

The Phantom of Liberty


  1. la zotea, formideibol!

  2. O Oskar!!Очень сложно!Очень много измерений!!!Fantastic!

  3. These are brilliant Oscar!!! Very intelligent use of space. I love how the two figures on the bottom left are standing on the frame it self. haha =)

  4. Spasibo, Lena!

    Tha R. Dress. By the way you are a mean daughtsman yourself, dear!

    Pense en vos, Edgardo, cuando colgue ese dibujo.Espere que te hiciese reir.

  5. I am not surprised,Oscar!Your humour goes having undertaken for a hand with grief,with a melanholy.And when i admire monuments-thes i feel rest and a pacificacion.Thanks!

  6. Nice to see FRANK rearing his ugly head in your work lately.

  7. Let's wait for Count Chocula to make an appearance.

  8. Salud, Andrei. London is what I see from the windows of my house. I see a little mist and falling yellowing leaves. The swing in the back garden moves a little pushed by a gentle breeze. Not too cold. I hear the buzz of a vacuum cleaner from downstairs. I feel like listening to some old jazz, maybe The Rythmmakers in 1932, while I draw.
    I'd love a nice cup of strong Colombian coffee. I am going to make one. Ta dah!

  9. Sound fantastic to me!Beautiful picture you write!:O)
