Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Exhibition in Cordoba


  1. Felicitaciones maestro!!!!
    llegaran los catalogos a Barcelona?
    ...y que buen lugar!

  2. Si un lugar impresionante...Y la montaron muy bien. No creo que haya catalogos en Barcelona...Fijate en el sitio de Animacor 2007 (La direccion esta mas abajo) y escribiles pidiendoles de ver si te pueden mandar.

  3. Greetings,Oskar!!What stylish and magnificent exhibition!It is your exhibition?You leaved?You very well look!Lena!

  4. ¡Grande, viejo...! Además de la pinta que se te ve en la segunda foto, seguro que hasta tenés mujer linda y todo...


  5. Y encima tuvisteis un clima de co**nes!!.
    Ya se ven unos maravillosos y cegadores rayos de sol intentando entrar al patio a traves de las rendijas de los entoldados.
    Enhorabuena por la exposicion y espero que os lo pasarais tan bien como se ve en las fotografias!
    Un abrazo.

  6. Dear Oscar,This I call REAL ART!!!!
    I can see the books too!:oD

  7. Se ve tremendo. Dan ganas de ir a Cordoba.
    Mientras vamos a ver si conseguimos el catálogo por ahí.
    gustavo r

  8. Watch your mouth, Stephanois. You're turning into one of "them"!

  9. AWESOME!!! dude.
    You remind me of Popeye & Elliot could be Bluto?

  10. estba esperando estas fotos...que ganas de haber ido....esos catalogos o libros que aprecen en una de las fotos se pueden conseguir en algun lado?...

    ah! mis felicitaciones por la muestra!

  11. epa! qué grande, felicitaciones por la expo (y popeye en corvina!)

  12. Oh man! I wish I could have attended this exhibit! Looks amazing.

    Are those booklets from the show available for sale anywhere?

  13. Hiya, Marc...Maybe you should try to contact Animacor 07 for the catalogue. The site is:

    I love your blog!

  14. Hi Oscar - thanks for the tip! I went ahead and contacted Animacor, so we'll see...

    And I'm happy to hear you have visited my blog =]

  15. Qué buena expo y qué buen espacio!
    Abrazo, troesma.

  16. It looks all terrific, your art found the display it deserved. Those large prints are wonderful.

  17. Parabéns pela exposição!
    Beijos coloridos na alma,

  18. I kept wondering about the Popeye material you were posting, and where it would lead to. I'm glad that the mystery is solved in such a wonderful manner. Thank you for sharing these inspiring images.

    Seeing you featured on Cartoon Brew made me smile.

  19. Oscar, will this or any future exhibits of yours arrive in the US? Specifically the L.A. area or NY?

  20. Not this one, Juan. This one was only a one off to celebrate the art of animation in an animation festival. It only ran for few days and that was it. A work of love. If someone from New York invited me to do some show over there, happily I will work on some special theme for the occasion. In few days I'll have another exhibition, this time about Kafka in another animation festival, in Rome ...I'll keep you posted

  21. Man, would have been great to see this show. Your take on Popeye is FANTASTIC. Can't wait to see pics from you Kafka show!

  22. Wished I could vistit your exhibition in Spain.
    The weather is better than here in Holland ;)

  23. The weather was great, and Cordoba is as Arabic as your recently visited Morocco.

  24. Hola oscar, soy Rafa.
    Nos conocimos en el cocktail tras la gala de clausura, soy el tio con el que hablaste sobre John K.

    Me alegra que todo haya ido bien por cordoba, esperamos verte por el festival en el futuro!!!

  25. Salute, Rafa, Un gusto oirte opor aqui, Tengo tu foto, te la mandare en cuanto pueda. Seguro que he de volver, la pase fantasticamente bien!
