Monday 3 May 2010

Premonition About Milena Jesenská

Milena Jesenská (1896-1944) was Kafka's lover and translator. They broke in 1920 because Milena was unable to separate with her husband.
After the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the German army, Jesenská joined an underground resistance movement and helped many Jewish and political refugees to emigrate. She herself decided to stay, however, despite the consequences. In November 1939 she was arrested by the Gestapo and imprisoned first in Prague's Pankrác and later in Dresden. In October 1940 she was deported to a concentration camp in Ravensbrück in Germany. Here she provided moral and psychological support to other prisoners and befriended Margarete Buber-Neumann, who wrote her first biography after the war. Jesenská died of kidney failure in Ravensbrück on May 17, 1944.

From Wikipedia


  1. Qué bueno! Justo en lso últimos meses anduve leyendo algunas de estas cosas de Kafka en un libro sin ilustraciones, ahora tengo la edición de lujo con estos dibujos en mi cabeza!!

  2. Milena canta el tango como ninguna...
