Saturday 18 February 2006


These are five discarded illustrations I had made for "Fausto", a book published in 2005.

Estas son cinco ilustraciones de "Fausto" (2005) que no se usaron para el libro.


  1. You were profiled on Cartoon Brew some time last year with images from the cover - silhouette of the two peasants around the fire.
    It was the first time I'd visited the work of Grillo.
    It was a good decision for me to visit.

  2. hola Oscar!! tanto tiempo!, veo q´has posteado muchas cosas bonitas!, pero hay una cosa q´cdo lo lei dije: q´lastima!!!... q´seas d boca!!!jaja!!. a mi m encanta el dibujo q hiciste de Labruna , aguante river !!!, seriamente, estos ultimos son buenisimos, sobretodo por el colorido q´le das a cada/u de ellos.

    hasta prontito!!!


  3. These are great, too bad they didn't make the cut, you have a way to draw horses that is just incredibly appealing, as in the ones showing Fausto riding a polka dot pony which you posted a while ago, the colors are incendiary, were all the illustrations for fausto colored in the computer?

  4. I thought these drawings were too cartoony and not as free as I wanted them to be.
    Yes, the colours were aplied with photoshop after I drew the picture on paper, directly on ink, without pencil sketch lines.
