Saturday, 2 December 2006

Photos from Argentina (Musicians)

The fabulous Buckley Cousins from Eire (In Rosario)
Jam Session at Ruben's home (At 3 in the morning)

The Big Band de Acá

Ruben Gonzalez (El Editor)


  1. Nice picture of El Editor, great pics in all!

  2. the picture may be nice but not as nice as The Editor himself. He is one of the nicest guys I ever came across (By the way, we just met in person over there!)

  3. ah , wow, first time in person?! I can tell he's a nice person. Sounds like a terrific trip.

  4. It was, and Rosario was the highlight, mainly thanks to El Editor and Graciela, even after suffering the worst hale storm in their history.

  5. Oscar, Rebekit and Patricia. Thank you very much but I´m not so nice, I have my days. Ask today to my wife Graciela...

  6. People who don't have their days scare me.

  7. No sea modesto, Rubén. Todos los lectores tenemos mucho que agradecerle.

  8. hey el editor!
    thanks for the pictures oscar! and wasn't it el editor's birthday in november?
    all that music. it just looks as though you had the best time living the words - if music be the food of life/love/whatever... play on!

  9. Nos están desbordando las cartas que nos envían los vecinos de Don Editor....eeerrr....dicen que no ponen en duda que sea un nice guy pero que cuando se junta con esos tipos raros que tocan esa música rara no dejan dormir a nadie en el barrio. Tambien dicen unas cuantas puteadas que no transcribimos por razones obvias.

  10. 3am - the neighbours must have gone LOCO!!
