Sunday 9 July 2006

Lines of the World

The World of Lines


  1. I haven't visited this site for a week or so, but as always, I'm astonished by the prodigious output and quality of your drawings. Fantastico, Oscar!
    Hope your knee is mending and you are getting around ok.


  2. George Svensson10 July 2006 at 02:34

    I met Grillo in a Congress, as soon as my eyes met his work i felt atonished, nevertheless several days after that i realised that all his work was bullshit... he copied same english friends work and recycled them.... he is just another argentinian thief like Maradona... Just go home Oscar... Go Home.

    Oh, and i forgot to tell his nazi relations and ideology... you make me sick man!

  3. George Svensson10 July 2006 at 04:11

    Ey, dont think its personal!! I was just joking man!!

    I really admire your work and your sense of humor!!!

  4. Yeah..You certainly do, "Svensson"....Unquestionably...Go to bed now, darling, is late and you'll catch a cold.

  5. me encantan esas cuadras cortas, como "cortadas" del barrio caferata, esas que hay en caballito, liniers y flores, tenés un talento loco para inventar ambientes.

  6. Yo creia dibujar las perspectivas de "El Gabinete del Doctor Caligari"...Un abrazo

  7. torpe homenaje de sabado a la tarde en nuestro blog

    y duda zonza: tenes una toalla roja en la mano? que es?

    saludos grandes.

  8. Es el canio de un tobogan en un parque para ninios.
    Octubre 2005
