Thursday 13 July 2006

Paris, toujours Paris

Gertrude Stein licks a pig.

Virgina Wolf kisses a Chimp.

Louis Ferdinand Celine shits on a snail

James Joyce sucks a goat (El Chupacabras)

Scenes From The Cultural Life

These pictures were exhibited in Buenos Aires a couple of years ago.


  1. wow these are fantastic, top piece is my favouuurite!
    uuugh, i hate pork.

  2. But for Gertrude, who may God preserve, appears to be a cultural expression, doesn't it?

  3. Did the good citizens of Buenos Aires enjoy this onslaught on European modernist culture?
    The one that interests me shows Virginia Woolf kissing a chimp. It's that well known affinity between apes and beautiful girls - (Miss V was very beautiful in her youth.)
    Who is the accordianist? Is he playing a Tango or a chanson de l'Auvergne?

  4. Menos mal que Victoria Ocampo no vivió para asistir a su exposición, Sr. Grillo...qué disgusto le habría dado!!!
    A Roberto Arlt, en cambio, le habría encantado, y a mí tambien.
