Thursday 27 July 2006

Mr Teapot line

These are line drawings for "Mr. Teapot", a comic I've been working on and off over the years.
Some colour pages are posted in early archives in this blog.


  1. There is a very well known Australian cartoonist called Michael Leunig (who I like and hate in equal parts) who also draws the adventures of a man with a teapot on his head.
    Very different business though...

  2. Firstly; I think that the drawings of Leunig suck, and secondly I've been drawing this character since the mid. seventies (And I have drawings to prove it).....There!!

  3. I also think they suck.
    A lot.
    I do admit though that he has done some terrific anti war stuff.

  4. So did Blair and Bush...Thanks to them I wouldn't go near a war! They put me off!!

  5. jajajaaa...amazing point of view that of yours...never tought it that way...

    y yo ya visto algo de Mr teapot en algún encanta el estilo, tipo como los dibujos de las manzanitas...como los de la cortina del programa de Caloi...los tenés posteados???

    admiración y saludos!!

    Pd:me tomé el atrevimiento de hay problema?

  6. hay que encontrarl ya editor a este comic!!!
    estan buenisimos los dibujos!!!!

  7. Los que aprendimos a leer y a mirar dibujos con polidoro trataremos de conseguirle editor a mr. teapot, así podemos seguir leyendo tirados de panza sobre el pasto y a la siesta.

  8. Caramba...Linda memoria la de leer tirado con la panza en el pasto!!
