Monday, 11 May 2009


Londoners like to eat in the tube. this drawing is not an exaggeration I've seen people in the morning having complete breakfasts while travelling. (and lunches, high teas, snacks, aperitifs, dinners, etc....)

Los londinenses comen en el subte. Este dibujo no es una exageracion. Yo he visto gente a la mañana comerse desayunos completos mientras viajaban. (Y almuerzos, meriendas, aperitivos, psicolabis, cenas, etc....)


  1. Is this where the term
    'tube-steak' originated?

    Man on the right looks like Buster Keaton.

  2. No, M..It is were the term "Piggin' Out" comes from!...Or was it "Pigs on Wheels"?

  3. On a side note, it is the worst when your sandwhich guts fly out the back... I feel for that guy :)

  4. It was excess of ketchup and mayo..

  5. There was Mangeclous from Albert Cohen's book; when in London, he made himself a sandwich that was "un repas complet": fish and eggs at one end, meatballs with tomato sauce in the middle and then cheese, followed by jam, if i remember well... ;-))

  6. Love that!..Elvis used to eat a sandwich that had 4.000 calories. Lots of ingredients. I remember two: squirrel and peanuts butter.
    In london there was a pizzeria that offered a British Rail Breakfast pizza and Peking Duck pizza.

  7. Desde luego no es una exageración, incluso en una ocasión ví como un pasajero le lanzaba un sandwich bien nutrido a otro a la cara en mitad de una discusión...only in London...!

  8. Al estilo Mr Bean, imagino!

    : )

  9. y también huelen a chivo como en alemania? porque ahí si que no es muy buena la combinación...
    parece un 53 que va a San Miguel, vomitado por un bebé en Constitución
