Thursday 30 July 2009

Vasari's Sketchbook, 1996


  1. i’m extremely enthusiastic about your sketches. really fantastic work! do you have all this in your mind or do you use some masters like photographs, books, etc?

  2. No, Krick Krack, I only draw when I am if front of a blank piece of paper, and what comes out, comes out.

  3. Preciosos dibujos, Óscar. Me encanta la reinterpretación moderna del Renacimiento (moderno por antonomasia a su vez) con esas posturas y la línea, la filigrana. Atrevidos los toques de color sin terminar. ¿Tienes en mente publicarlos?

  4. These are great, King Oliver and Leonardo da Vinci are a great duo.

  5. tus dibujos son las flores que nacen en los tachos de basura ...
    como dijo Jonh Lydon

  6. Your outpouring of invention and profusion of drawing scares me. I fear in mid-drawing you will suddenly explode. Take a day off and relax, maybe just do a paint by number oil painting of Hampstead Heath, or Ringo.

    Lee Marvin Newland

  7. Yesterday we've been talking with a friend about Warne Marsh dying on a stage while playing "Out of Nowhere". Lovely way to go, Newland.
